Various Sheikhs
Various Sheikhs
Click for the direct link to the bank of khutbahs delivered in Doha by our panel of sheikhs and visiting scholars
Each week, a topic of relevance to the ummah is delivered, with the aim of building character and having a positive impact on the listener
Sheikh Abu Hanifah
A unique study of the life of the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, through the explanation of the Qur'an
Sheikh AbdulAziz Shakir
This series details an introduction to the Science of the Quran & Hadith, delivered by Sheikh AbdulAziz Shakir at Aspirezone masjid in Doha, Qatar in the Spring of 2017.
Various Sheikhs
Various Sheikhs
Sheikh Shahed Razaque
In this section you will find both Umdat-al-Fiqh and Zad-al-Mastaqnia, foundation & intermediate level fiqh classes, delivered in short classes, and designed to build your understanding of this beautiful religion of Islam
Sheikh Hazem Rajab
The explanation of the Qur'an is delivered in short, easy to follow films that are designed to allow the viewer to benefit, learn, and implement the teachings from the Qur'an
Various Sheikhs
A weekly reminder delivered by a mix of visiting sheikhs and those resident in Qatar - all with the aim of uplifting the iman of the Muslim
Understanding Islam was written in order to present a basic, universal, easily understood explanation of Islam. As one of the most misunderstood outlooks on life, this book was designed to ensure that the reader, whether Muslim or not, hopes to increase their knowledge of Islam.
Written in simple English, and in easily digested chapters, the book gives a comprehensive foundation to the religion of Islam.
A Brief Illustrated Guide is a book that forms one of the major contributions to explaining islam for those new to the religion.
It covers a basic introduction, along with highlighting some of the major scientific contributions to the world.
This book is a simple text that should motivate the reader in adapting their outlook on the world.