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We are now moving to a post-covid era, and are balancing the need to stay safe and to present sound, authentic knowledge to those local and international. 

As soon as it is possible and supported by the local regulations, we will return to live classes, that are streamed online where possible. With the permission of Allaah. 


Follow us on Instagram, and Subscribe to us on YouTube - as our numbers increase, so does the number of times our videos are shown to the world, so the support is appreciated.  


Stay safe 


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Events & Locations

Aspire zone
jummah & talks

Each Friday: Sheikh Abu Hanifah

Topic:          Seerah through the Tafseer

Time:           After Jummah khutbah

Each Friday: Various Sheikhs

Topic:          Jummah Khutbah

Time:           With the athaan of zhur

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Bayyan Gardens
fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Each Tuesday, Sheikh Shahed Razaque presents an introduction through the basic rules of Islam, aimed at an introductory level for all

Each Tue:     Sheikh Shahed Razaque

Topic:          Zad Al-Mastaqnia

Time:           After Isha

Fanar (Bin zaid)
Jummah & Talks

Each Thurs:   Various Sheikhs

Topic:          Soul Sessions / The Heaviest Deeds

Time:           After Isha

Each Friday: Various Sheikhs

Topic:          Jummah Khutbah

Time:           With the athaan of zhur

Usool Al-Thalatha

QMYSAP is a Saturday morning programme for the young and old - while you register your children in the QMYSAP programme, adults can benefit from a class with Sheikh Abu Hanifah

Each Sat:     Sheikh Abu Hanifah

Topic:          Usool Al-Thalatha

Time:           8:45am

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The Pearl

Delivered in English, each week, delivered under the guidance of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Shakir.

Each Friday @ Masjid Costa Fayrouz

Topic:          Jummah Khutbah

Time:           With the athaan of zhur

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